The services and use of this website (hereinafter Web) authorises the user only if s/he fully complies with the terms, conditions, communications, warnings and other legal notifications in it. The connections with other websites and the use made of this are subject to these General Usage Terms and Conditions or those specific to said website. Any use other than that authorised is expressly prohibited.
Being aware of the importance of each person's privacy and valuing the trust placed in us by entering your personal data on our Web, the data you provide will be saved for your benefit, guaranteeing your confidentiality.
Our company guarantees the Protection of Personal Data in accordance to Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December (LOPD), offering the rights to access, change, cancel and oppose as foreseen in the law.
In compliance to the LOPD 15/1999 I give my consent for the company to provide my personal data to departments, delegations and collaborating third party companies with the aim of providing the company's general administration.
1. General
Vag-Navisystems S.L. expressly guarantees that the data you provide us will be maintained in strict confidentiality.
2. Processing of personal data
With the aim of processing your order and to grant our clients the right to reproduce the images, we require that you provide us personal data like Company name, Fiscal ID., name and surname, address, telephone and e-mail which are digitally processed. You expressly authorise for this data to be filed in our client database for internal use. In accordance to that established in Organic Law 15/99, of 13 December on Personal Data Protection, the following aspects are established:
a) There is a file registered in the Data Protection Agency Registrar with your personal data. The aim of collecting your data is to provide you with your order or to respond to the questions in a timely and suitable manner. The user of this information is only Vag-Navisystems S.L. and the shipping company, if requested.
b) Vag-Navisystems S.L. is responsible for the file processing.
c) Vag-Navisystems S.L. considers the response to any possible questions as optional and not obligatory. If the requested data is not supplied, it will be impossible to send you your order or respond to your question.
d) According to the current regulation, you have the right to access, change, oppose and cancel your personal information from our databases.
e) You may exercise these rights by email at or post by writing to Vag-Navisystems S.L., C/ Marià Obiols, 2 (Bajos) (Berga, Spain 08600).
The processing and management of these complies with that stipulated in Spanish Royal Decree 994/1999, of 11 June, which approves the regulation of security measures for automated files with personal data. Vag-Navisystems S.L., will never sell information about its clients to third parties, nor does it yield any of his/her data.
3. Credit card information
Vag-Navisystems S.L. will never save your credit card information unless you want us to save your card's information (credit card attached to your user profile) and you unequivocally express it by marking the box "Save my card information for future purchases." Otherwise the data is sent directly to the banking entity (La Caixa), who processes the payment and notifies us of the operation's completion.
4. Security
Vag-Navisystems S.L. takes the necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of your personal information. Only authorised employees have access to the database storing the user information or the servers hosting our service.
5. Cookies
The use of cookies on our website is useful for improving the browsing experience, but in no way essential. If you wish you can configure your browser to inform you of the reception of cookies and stop their installation on your hard drive. Please consult your browser's instructions and manuals for more information.
6. Modifications
Vag-Navisystems S.L. reserves the right to modify their confidentiality policy whether due to legislative changes, jurisprudence or according to its own criteria or business practices. If you have any doubts or concerns concerning our confidentiality policy, please contact us via email at:
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