Mainboard exchange service for the Audi MMI 2G Navigation module. (module location at car's trunk) 4E0919887
The Audi MMI 2G navigation modules may be faulty for many unexpected reasons, showing system errors, malfunctions of navigation, interruptions or other malfunctions from MMI.
In most cases the electronic mainboard of the system stops working without manipulating nothing, appearing an error in the system and unable to operate the MMI system.
The price of this reparation process depends on the state of the equipment, it could happen that the problem is different from the one that seems, and it requires from a different repair service.
Download the repair form on the preferred language, and attach a copy of the order with the reapir form completed, and send us the equipment.
Our team will contact you as soon as the equipment is received and the repair job it's done.
The return shipping costs outside Spain are not included, must be paid in cash to the courier on delivery.
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